After successfully installing Docker in my Windows 10, there are several commands I run to my new Docker system. Here are the commands that can be used to try Docker:

docker version

This command is used to print the version of installed Docker. Use this command to verify that Docker has been successfully installed in our system:

docker version

docker login

This command is used to login to Docker Hub in order to pull and push images.

Run the following command to login to Docker Hub:

docker login

We will be displayed the following prompt to fill username and password:

Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username: wisnuanggoro
Login Succeeded

docker run <image-name>

This command is used to run a new docker image. Run the following command to start a new Docker image named hello-world:

docker run hello-world

The preceding command will run an image named hello-world. Docker will look for the image on our local system. If the image cannot be found, Docker will download it from Docker Hub.

Another command to run a new image is follow:

docker run -it ubuntu bash

The preceding command will run a new Ubuntu container. The -it flag allows us to interact with the shell.

docker ps -a

This command is used to list all containers in our system. Run the following command:

docker ps -a

It will print the following on console:

d2d6e9d56429  hello-world  "/hello"  6 seconds ago  Exited (0) 4 seconds ago         angry_keldysh

docker start –attach <container-id/name>

docker run command will run a new instance of image. To reuse an available container that we have run before, run docker start as follow:

docker start --attach angry_keldysh

The preceding command will run hello-world container named angry_keldysh.

docker stop <container-id/name>

This command is used to stop a running container. The following command will stop container named angry_keldysh.

docker stop angry_keldysh

docker rm <container-id/name>

This command is used to remove a container. The following command will remove container named angry_keldysh.

docker rm angry_keldysh

Source links:
Docker Tutorial: Get Going From Scratch
Lifecycle of Docker Container